Hit the Road Already!

Some of you may be wondering when this #epicroadtrip is going to start! Why aren’t we seeing posts from the road yet? Why haven’t we seen your signature rainbow boa on our college mascot yet?

As you may know, we are devoting ourselves full-time to this project. We will be packing all of our belongings into our truck and traveling around the country. To make this happen, we are letting go of numerous belongings, we are tirelessly working on press releases, sponsorship proposals, researching routes to take, developing a social media following, and ensuring that as we launch Out of the Dorm Closet we aren’t just flying by the seat of our pants.

We are inspired by those who have walked similar journeys in the past. For example, Mike Marriner and Nathan Gebhard, founders of Roadtrip Nation.  “Sitting around our college apartment one night after a great evening surf, we were just chillin’, talking about what we were going to do with our lives. We were frustrated,” they describe in their book, Roadtrip Nation: A Guide to Discovering Your Path In LIfe. “It suddenly became clear to us that we needed to get out beyond the borders of campus and California and explore all the options we didn’t even know existed. We needed more information. We needed more experience. We needed to meet more people. We needed to hit the road.”

We are honoring organizations who have paved the way for LGBTQ youth activism, such as the Human Rights Campaign, GLSEN, GLAAD, the GSA Network, and Campus Pride.

Within the next month, we will be sharing this amazing experience with you, and hopefully inspiring others to take hold of their dreams, fight for their rights, and be the change they wish to see in the world.

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